Saturday, May 28, 2016

Projection of point

Projection of Point

Point may be defined as a circle having infinitesimal radius. A dot of pencil is an example of point.

Projection of point in first angle

In first angle of projection the point is placed above the HP and in front of VP. 

The distance above the HP               = a
The distance in front of the VP      = b

p’ = front view
p = top view

In angle of projection, horizontal plane is always rotate clockwise direction and the intersection of HP and VP is called reference line represent by XY. Draw reference line on a paper, above portion of XY line is VP and below portion is called HP shown in figure 2.

The distance above the HP is shown on vertical plane (VP), and the distance from VP is shown on horizontal plane (HP). Figure 2 shows the orthographic projection of the point in first angle of projection.

Figure 1: - Point in first angle of projection  

Draw the reference line XY
Draw point p’ above the XY at a distance ‘a’ above the HP
Draw projection from p’, perpendicular to XY and mark point p at a distance ‘b’ in top view as shown in figure 2.

Figure 2: - Projection of point in first angle of projection

Projection of point in Second angle

In this angle of projection point is placed behind VP and above HP shown in figure 3.

Same as first angle of projection, horizontal plane is always rotate clockwise direction and the intersection of HP and VP is called reference line represent by XY. Draw reference line on a paper, above portion of XY line represents both HP and VP because of overlapping of HP and VP. The front and top view of the point is lies above the XY line
Figure 3: - Point in Second angle of projection  

Draw XY line
Draw front view of the point at a distance of ‘a’ above the XY
Draw projection from front view perpendicular to XY
Mark a point p at a distance of ‘b’ from XY give the location of top view of the point shown in figure 4.

Figure 4: - Projection of point in second angle of projection

Projection of point in Third angle

Draw reference line on a paper, above portion of XY line represents HP and below portion of XY is VP shown in figure 5.

Figure 5: - Point in third angle of projection  

Draw XY line
Mark a point p above the XY line at a distance of ‘b’ called top view of the point
Draw the projection form p perpendicular to XY line

Mark a point p’ at a distance of ‘a’ below the XY called front view of point shown in figure 6.
Figure 6: - Projection of point in third angle of projection

Projection of point in Fourth angle

Draw reference line on a paper, below portion of XY line represents both HP and VP because of overlapping of HP and VP. The front and top view of the point is lies below the XY line shown in figure 7.

Figure 7: - Point in fourth angle of projection  

Draw XY line
Draw front view of the point at a distance of ‘a’ below the XY
Draw projection from front view perpendicular to XY
Mark a point p at a distance of ‘b’ from XY give the location of top view of the point shown in figure 8.

Figure 8: - Projection of point in fourth angle of projection

Points to remember : -

  • Front view always drawn on vertical plane 
  • Top view always drawn on horizontal plane
  • Second angle projection and fourth angle of projection not use because of overlapping of the HP and VP.

Question: - 

What is the difference between First angle and third angle of projection?

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