Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Orthographic Projection in First angle and Third angle of projection.

Draw the Orthographic projection of Given pictorial view as shown in figure 1 in first and third angle of projection.

Figure 1 Pictorial view of object

We are considering that the above object placed in first angle, and the arrow shows the direction of front view of the object.

The following steps are describe how to draw front view, top view and side view of the given object

  • Draw the reference line XY
  • Draw line a’b’ perpendicular to reference line.
  • Draw a’f’ parallel to reference line.
  • Draw f’e’, e’d’, d’c’, c’b’ to complete front view.
  • Project all the corner of front view vertically downward and perpendicular to reference line.
  • Draw af, ed, dj, jI, gh and fh to complete the top view of the object.

                                  Figure 2 Orthographic projection of object in First angle of projection 

For Right hand side View

  • Transfer top view corner to X1 Y1 line and shift these points to XY by taking O1 as a centre and projects all the points vertically upward.
  • Draw horizontal projection of all the corners from front view
  • The intersection of vertical and horizontal projection gives the points of Right Hand Side View (RHSV)

For left hand side view

  • Draw X2Y2 line perpendicular to XY
  • From O2 draw a line inclined 450 as shown in figure. This is another method to transfer points for side views.
  • (Use any one method to draw side view of object)
  • Transfer all the corners of Top View to inclined line and project vertically upwards.
  • Again draw horizontal projection line to intersect vertical projection.
  • Join the intersecting points in a sequence to complete the Left Hand Side View (LHSV).

Third angle of projection 

Figure 3 shows the drawing in third angle of projection. Follow above drawing procedure to complete drawing in third angle of projection. 

                                    Figure 3 Orthographic projection of object in Third angle of projection 

FV         -        Front View
TV         -       Top View
RHSV    -       Right hand side view
LHSV    -       Left hand side view

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