Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Engineering drawing theory questions

Engineering Drawing is the universal language of engineers. The idea is drawn on a sheet by using point, line, and other drawing entities to give complete information or complete detail about the idea. Engineering drawings are those drawings that are used on the shopfloor to improve productivity. 
The sound knowledge of engineering drawing is essential to all engineering students. Engineering Drawing is difficult to understand for the first-year student of engineering. 


**Short Question**

Scale, Conic sections Special Curves

  • What is Engineering Graphics?
  • Name the different drawing instruments.
  • Draw a chart for types of lines with their uses.
  • What are the dimensions for the sheets of size A1,A2,A3 & A4 ?
  • Write types of methods used for dimension with diagram.
  • What is Scale? Classify the scale and what are its types?
  • What is the principle of a diagonal scale?
  • What is R.F. stands for? How it is useful for calculating the length of Scale.
  • Write a table for the Metric and British system of unit conversion (linear, area, and volume).
  • Write about types of scales and their practical implementation with examples.
  • What is conics? What are conic sections?
  • Define locus of a point.
  • Write about the sections obtained after cutting the right circular cone at different positions.
  • What is eccentricity? Write is relevant to conic sections with diagram.
  • What are special curves and what is the basic difference between conic sections and special curves?
  • What is the spiral? What are its types?
  • What is the difference between Archimedean and Logarithmic spiral?
  • Write the examples for practical implementations of conic sections and special curves.
  • Which method is used to draw an ellipse on a rectangular land and why?    
  • Why parabola, Hyperbola, & Ellipse are known as conic sections. Definition of these curves.
  • What is eccentricity? Value of Eccentricity for Ellipse, Parabola, Hyperbola. Define focus.
  • Definitions of Cycloid & its types, Involutes, Spiral & its types.

Projection of Point and Straight line

  • What do you mean by projection? Give its classification?
  • Difference between orthographic projection and isometric projection?
  • Difference between the first angle of projection and the third angle of projection?
  • Difference between pictorial view and multi-view?
  • Define all the quadrants of projection.
  • Give symbolic representation of the first angle of projection and the third angle of projection?
  • Define point, line, and plane?
  • State the position of the point if its both view lies on the reference line.
  • State the position of the point, the top view of which lies on the reference line and the front view 50 mm below it.
  • What do you understand by the projection of points?
  • Define traces of line and plane, give its applicability?
  •  State the position of the point, the front view of which lies on the reference line and the top view 50 mm below it.
  • A straight line is parallel to and 25 mm in front of the VP and inclined at 300 to the HP. What is the position of its HT and VT?
  • If the front view of a line lies in the reference line, state all the possible positions of the line.
  •  If the top view of a line lies in the reference line, state all the possible positions of the line.
  • What will be the position of the line when the line is parallel to both the HP and VP.
  • Difference between the rotational method and the trapezoidal method for the projection of line?
  • What are the types of auxiliary planes?

Projection of planes and solids

  •    Define planes. What are its types?
  •    Define traces in plane. What are its significance?
  •    What is HP, VP, AVP, AIP and PP.?
  •    Define traces in solid. What is its significance?
  •    Define types of visibility involved during orthographic projection of solid.
  •    Differentiate between a triangular pyramid and a tetrahedron.
  •    What do you understand by the solids of revolution?
  •    Differentiate between frustum of a pyramid and a truncated pyramid.
  •    What is the difference between pyramid and prism?
  •    Define the Oblique Solid.
  •    If the top view of the plane is a straight line, will its front view always be the true shape.
  •    If the front view of a plane lies in the reference line, will its top view always be the true shape.
  •    The surface of the hexagonal plane is perpendicular to both the HP and VP which orthographic view will show the true shape.
  •     The true shape of a pentagonal plane is seen in the side view, what will be the shapes of its front and top view.
  •     Define the cylinder and cone.
  •     What do you understand by right regular solid?
  •     What is the difference between the top view of a hexagonal prism and that of a hexagonal pyramid
  •     When both rest on their bases on the HP in the same orientations.
  •     What do you mean by auxiliary vertical plane and auxiliary inclined plane?
  •     What do you mean by lateral surfaces of a solid?

Section of Solid, Development of Surfaces

  •    Define section of solid. What are its significance?
  •    State the advantages of a sectional view.
  •    Define Section plane, cut surfaces, apparent section and true shape of section.
  •    What are the various types of section planes?
  •    How can the true shape of section be obtained when a solid is cut by an auxiliary inclined plane?
  •    What are frustum and truncated solid with diagram?
  •    A solid is cut by a profile plane. Which orthographic view is likely to show the true shape of section?
  •    Explain the utility of hatching line in section of solid.
  •    Define Development of lateral surfaces. Explain its significance.
  •    What are the methods used for development of surface. With examples
  •    What is antidevelopment?
  •    Define parallel line and radial line methods used for right solids.
  •    State a few practical applications of development of surfaces.
  •    State few practical applications of the development of surfaces.

Isometric Projections, Computer Aided Drafting (CAD)

  •    What is isometric projection?
  •    Define isometric scale and how it constructs?
  •    What is the difference between Orthographic and Isometric projection?
  •    What is diametric, trimetric and isometric projection?
  •    What is the relation between true length and isometric length?
  •    Define isometric axes, isometric lines and isometric planes.
  •    What are Isometric projections? What is the difference between Isometric view & Isometric projection?
  •    Define CADD. What is its importance?
  •    What are the advantages and disadvantages of Auto- CAD?
  •    What is CAD software? Name any two popular software used for drafting.
  •    What are the operating system requirements for CAD software package?
  •    Explain types of memories of operating system.
  •    What do you mean by drawing entity?
  •    What is Auto – CAD? What are its advantage, disadvantage & application?
  •    Write the advantages and disadvantages of CAD?
  •    Give the name and explain editing commands used in AutoCAD.
  •    Give the name and explain utility commands used in AutoCAD
  •    Name the method preferred for drawing circle in isometric projections.
  •    What are the advantages of isometric view?
  •    What does WCS stands for.

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